ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY?/*$+- _____________________________________________________________________________ | EXfer: "The Extended Transfer Module" v4.2 Supporting Y-Modem Batch | |_____________________________________________________________________________| | Library Options |_________________________________ | | Individual File Options | | [D]: Directory of current library | | | [G]: Global list of all accessible files | [C]: Enter copy as a TXT file | | [L]: Move to a different library | [I]: Get information on a file | |__________________________________________| [K]: Kill one of your uploads | | File Transfer Options | | [V]: View a TXT file | | |__________|_________________________________| | [S]: Send file(s) to you | File Searches | | [R]: Receive file(s) from you | | A.1 Computing's |_______________________________| [F]: Find a file | Professional BBS ____________________________| [N]: New file scan | Apple// Consulting | Miscellaneous Commands | [Q]: Dated file scan | (805-239-4292) | |_______________________|________________ | [H]: Get help on a command | | Special Commands | | [M]: Feedback to the librarian | | | | [T]: Terminate connection | | [W]: Show available credits | | [X]: Exit back to the host BBS | | [Y]: Change the default protocol | |________________________________| |__________________________________|